luni, iulie 18, 2005

HasMoJazz #05

HasMoJazz #05 - Gypsyrican Delight * Cutia cu Maimute

Dear Summer,

60 minutes of treats and handclaps from your Colentina boy in NY : sound library "holy-grail" ,a few London classics,a lot of barrio action,American big band elusive Romanian 10", Lord Sheppard (!), some Common edit ( w/a strong aquavit after taste) , some modern soul, some Joey Negro cut/paste action, Uptown sensations Spymusic goin Kranz, and ending in modal-bossa land on the Riviera. For the more adventurous ones : try to catch it on Romanian radio Monday, 07/17 from 9pm CET and win extra points !! Other curiosos may check the well equiped brothers at ( Bristol ) and ( Singapore ),who'll host the show on a monthly basis; and I'm also doin home delivery via ftp download magic ( just ask )
Also for the ones in the humid NY area check the attachement - on August 9th I'll be closing the summer Specialist series of the Rude Movements party w/ a hand in the Latin crate,one in the Brasilian one, one on the Brugal Anejo and an eye on somebody else's future ex-girlfriend.Plus a few more under the radar and more-or-less spontaneous interventions in the big city nightlife, for whoever has ears to see ( 2 nights ago at Nublu at Fabrizio's Meltin'Pot affair ,spinning descargas, mambos,batucada,samba,jazz,disco edits and some more contemporary oddities for a floor packed w/ oxygen-gasping Brasilian,Bulgarian,German,Romanian,French,Turkish and the rest of the LES-flavor-spectrum girls goin nuts till they were sent home was off the chain )

HasMoJazz #05
Gypsyrican Delight * Cutia cu Maimute

Mindbender - Mediterranee ( Peer / Vadim Music )
Family Of Percussion w/ Archie Shepp - Here Comes The Family ( Bellaphon )
Family Man Barrett - Soul Constitution ( PK / Dub Store )
La Lupe - Fever ( Tico )
Frank Hernandez - Mal Camino ( Deja Vu )
The Afro -Latin Soultet - So Here You Are ( Tower )
Tito Rodriguez - Descarga Cachao ( UA )
Orchestra De Jazz A Universitatii Din Illinois - Latino ( Electrecord )
Lord Sheppard - Death Valley ( Verlaine )
Ammon Contact - A Satellite's Return ( Ninja Tune )
Common /Jill Scott - I Am Soul ( Supreme )
Hokis Pokis - Nowhere ( Shield )
The Yorshire Rapper - Erotic Botty Spank ( Better Days )
Spymusic - Din Da Da (White )
Dizzy Gillespie - Ole (For The Gypsies) ( Philips )

In premiera internationala luni 17 Iulie de la 23.00 la Radio Guerrilla - 94cu8 FM + in cadru Retroelectro, preluata apoi la fileu de echipa Indigo Club . Plus familia extinsa de la (Singapore) si ( fratii din Bristol) unde va fi gazduita in regim de pensiune lunar.
Pentru membri donatori de sange oferim in continuare livrare la domiciliu in format mp3 via dwnld - mail la si trimitem instructiunile Si pentru cine e pe zona NY saptamanile viitoare vedeti attachmentu' - party Straight No Chaser pe teava ; plus diverse alte evolutii sub
nivel radar si pe partea asta de ocean,valabile doar contra parola sau sticla palinca ( sau amandoua - cu numai 2 litri de palinca puteti avea nume pe lista la intrare, poza cu Ursul in brate,creierii prastie
si recunostinta temporara a artistului )

Atentie la valuri

- via gypsy bogdan

Primit pe mail + delivered la domiciliu.
Ca focu !!
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