joi, iulie 28, 2005
Glenn Feron - The Art of Retouching
miercuri, iulie 27, 2005
FEEDER intra in vacanta
FEEDER intra in vacanta pt urmatoarele 7 zile :)
Electric Brother + Dj Rusu + Dj Flore
Vama Veche calling - PARTY LA SONi
back by popular demand - avem un weekend dublu - vineri seara si simbata seara la soni
!!!! Electric Brother + Dj Rusu + Dj Flore !!!!
vineri 29 Iulie si simbata 30 Iulie
back by popular demand - avem un weekend dublu - vineri seara si simbata seara la soni
!!!! Electric Brother + Dj Rusu + Dj Flore !!!!
vineri 29 Iulie si simbata 30 Iulie
Marius Samoila Photography
marți, iulie 26, 2005
Tom Wilson @ the lakeside
The Tommy Wilson and Camilius duet
the lakeside tomorrow night
rejane lhote
infamous basscamp
web club program 29 + 30 iul
Vineri 29
Dj Techno Conference Brasov presents:
Sambata 30
dj ali
NEW JAZZ la BUCURESTI - Mark O'Leary & Vlaicu Golcea
vineri, iulie 22, 2005
FLY™ Pentop Computer
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
despre culori
Welcome to Identifont®, the unique font identifier that enables you to identify a font from a sample by answering a series of simple questions. It is ideal if you want to match an existing typeface, or identify a typeface you have seen in a publication.
RSA news
Arhiva de stencil in expozitie la Budapesta la Millenaris Park (
Arhiva de stencil mentionata in Suplimentul de cultura:
- via vlad nanca
stickernation game over
Tokyo Street Style Harajuku
zona libera 34
zona libera 34 [@radio guerrilla 94.8FM] > 24 iulie 2005 <
*pleilistu' de muzici romanesti:
01. east village – endless story
02. nemos &mara – flying soul
03. electric brother – skillfully detuned
04. nsk – breakthrough in India
05. nuxe – chill in
06. the grooveoholics – I’m thinking
07. santosfly – vara la mare
08. silent strike – new sort of deep
09. floodgate – de vorba cu $
10. internall error – thirty days
11. pavilionul h – masina de adormit copiii
12. dermon – against the horizon
13. vlaicu golcea – lectia despre cub
rubrica "una mica" prezinta: eugene chadbourne [sepultura remix] – nazi punks
toate astea si nu numa' DUMINICA intre orele 22:00-24:00...
zona libera [emisiune de djvasile si matze] @ radio guerrilla 94.8FM
se poate asculta si live pe net aici:
miercuri, iulie 20, 2005
OMAGIU Launch & Lounge la MNAC & LEMONTREE
joi / thursday 28.07.2005 - 7PM
* Maria Lucia Hohan *
* Ana Maria Lungu *
la terasa LEMONTREE : 11PM - PARTY - Djz Rusu& Flore
Electric Brother
Silent Strike
Visuals - DREAMREC
Indigo Club #116 + #117
Update Rola Design Studio
ixi software
ixi software
enrike hurtado si thor magnusson
22 iulie - 20 septembrie / deschidere vineri 22 iulie 19:00 / etaj 2
curator: Florin Tudor
“ixi software este un proiect experimental prin care se vizeaza crearea unor prototipuri pentru diverse instrumente muzicale. Sintem interesati de utilizarea computerului ca un mijloc prin care se pot construi unelte neconventionale pentru muzicieni, fara a incerca sa imitam sau sa copiem instrumentele obisnuite din lumea muzicii sau tehnologia disponibila in studiouri. In acest moment lucram cu software open source Pure Data sau Supercollider si incercam sa cream interfete grafice pentru acesta. Scopul nostru este si acela de a distribui aplicatiile noastre, de a le face cit mai simple si mai intuitive pentru utilizatori.
Downloadati programele, testati-le, folositi-le si distribuiti-le, spargeti-le, sau orice altceva, doar sa nu le vindeti."
aplicatii: virus, slicer, lauki, spindrum.
Din 2002 membrii ixi software sustin conferinte si workshop-uri la Academia de Arte din Viena, Universitatea Pompeu Fabra din Barcelona, Facultatea de Arte si Design din Hull, Departamentul de Muzica Electroacustica din cadrul Universitatii Huddersfield, la ICA în Londra, MIT-medialab în Dublin, Media lab uiah din Helsinki si Centrul Arteleku din San Sebastian.
ixi software
MNAC, Palatul Parlamentului, aripa E4
acces : Calea 13 Septembrie / bus 136, 385
Program: Miercuri – Duminica, 10.00 – 18.00
Red Bull X-Fighters 2005
Transmisie live a unui eveniment deosebit
Red Bull X-Fighters Madrid '05!
Asta se va intampla joi 21 Iulie la ora 23.30 pe programul TVR 2 - acoperire nationala - la editia "espesiala" a emisiunii "Doua Roti" - comenteaza Ciprian Popescu(Vicepresedintele Federatiei Romane de Motociclism) si Cristian Raduta (Campionul National la Motocross 04)!
Pentru cei care nu vor fi in fata televizorului, dar vor fi in fata calculatorului - puteti accesa urmatorul link si puteti vedea transmisia live "pe net":
Pentru cei foarte curiosi, toate info despre eveniment, tot "pe net", la
Google Earth
chris jordan photography
marți, iulie 19, 2005
it's on the flier
the theme
the time
the place
the music-sharers
the graphics
the people
plus you
luni, iulie 18, 2005
Metro Logos of the World
Nazis stole my idea for VW logo, claims designer
A graphic designer who claims that he was commissioned by the Nazis to design the VW logo for Volkswagen, the German car giant, is suing the company for allegedly failing to recognise his work.
- via gummy
Gili Mocanu - Ohne technik
La H’art Gallery
ultimele lucrari ale lui Gili Mocanu
expozitia « Ohne technik »
pictura si instalatie
Vernisaj marti, 19 iulie 2005, ora 19
expozitia este deschisa pana pe 20 august 2005
Evenimentul este realizat cu sprijinul:
Programul Cultural Elvetian in Romania
Liliana Popescu - PR Manager
Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 105-107
t. 210 83 51
f. 210 83 02
m. 0722 588 330
Programul Galeriei H’art:
Luni-Vineri 13.00-18.00
Sambata 14.00-18.00
At H’art Gallery
the most recent works by Gili Mocanu
painting and installation exhibition « Ohne technik »
Opening on Tuesday 19th July 2005 from 7 pm
The exhibition is open until 20th August 2005
The event is sponsored by
Swiss Cultural Programme Romania
web club 22 + 23 Iul
Vineri 22
Electric brother live
Sambata 23
Ubic + Andrei
drum n bass
One Self ( aka DJ Vadim) nou album
HasMoJazz #05
HasMoJazz #05 - Gypsyrican Delight * Cutia cu Maimute
Dear Summer,
60 minutes of treats and handclaps from your Colentina boy in NY : sound library "holy-grail" ,a few London classics,a lot of barrio action,American big band elusive Romanian 10", Lord Sheppard (!), some Common edit ( w/a strong aquavit after taste) , some modern soul, some Joey Negro cut/paste action, Uptown sensations Spymusic goin Kranz, and ending in modal-bossa land on the Riviera. For the more adventurous ones : try to catch it on Romanian radio Monday, 07/17 from 9pm CET and win extra points !! Other curiosos may check the well equiped brothers at ( Bristol ) and ( Singapore ),who'll host the show on a monthly basis; and I'm also doin home delivery via ftp download magic ( just ask )
Also for the ones in the humid NY area check the attachement - on August 9th I'll be closing the summer Specialist series of the Rude Movements party w/ a hand in the Latin crate,one in the Brasilian one, one on the Brugal Anejo and an eye on somebody else's future ex-girlfriend.Plus a few more under the radar and more-or-less spontaneous interventions in the big city nightlife, for whoever has ears to see ( 2 nights ago at Nublu at Fabrizio's Meltin'Pot affair ,spinning descargas, mambos,batucada,samba,jazz,disco edits and some more contemporary oddities for a floor packed w/ oxygen-gasping Brasilian,Bulgarian,German,Romanian,French,Turkish and the rest of the LES-flavor-spectrum girls goin nuts till they were sent home was off the chain )
HasMoJazz #05
Gypsyrican Delight * Cutia cu Maimute
Mindbender - Mediterranee ( Peer / Vadim Music )
Family Of Percussion w/ Archie Shepp - Here Comes The Family ( Bellaphon )
Family Man Barrett - Soul Constitution ( PK / Dub Store )
La Lupe - Fever ( Tico )
Frank Hernandez - Mal Camino ( Deja Vu )
The Afro -Latin Soultet - So Here You Are ( Tower )
Tito Rodriguez - Descarga Cachao ( UA )
Orchestra De Jazz A Universitatii Din Illinois - Latino ( Electrecord )
Lord Sheppard - Death Valley ( Verlaine )
Ammon Contact - A Satellite's Return ( Ninja Tune )
Common /Jill Scott - I Am Soul ( Supreme )
Hokis Pokis - Nowhere ( Shield )
The Yorshire Rapper - Erotic Botty Spank ( Better Days )
Spymusic - Din Da Da (White )
Dizzy Gillespie - Ole (For The Gypsies) ( Philips )
In premiera internationala luni 17 Iulie de la 23.00 la Radio Guerrilla - 94cu8 FM + in cadru Retroelectro, preluata apoi la fileu de echipa Indigo Club . Plus familia extinsa de la (Singapore) si ( fratii din Bristol) unde va fi gazduita in regim de pensiune lunar.
Pentru membri donatori de sange oferim in continuare livrare la domiciliu in format mp3 via dwnld - mail la si trimitem instructiunile Si pentru cine e pe zona NY saptamanile viitoare vedeti attachmentu' - party Straight No Chaser pe teava ; plus diverse alte evolutii sub
nivel radar si pe partea asta de ocean,valabile doar contra parola sau sticla palinca ( sau amandoua - cu numai 2 litri de palinca puteti avea nume pe lista la intrare, poza cu Ursul in brate,creierii prastie
si recunostinta temporara a artistului )
Atentie la valuri
- via gypsy bogdan
vineri, iulie 15, 2005
artisti la ciorbesti gathering 6
lista este inca deschisa.dar arata asa in momentul asta.
gasesti si afis si flyer in site.
- via oana felipov
Music - Map
Music-Map - the Map of Music
The closer two artists are, the greater the probability people will like both artists. (needs a little time to organize)
- via Florin Itu
joi, iulie 14, 2005
Happy birthday mp3
Optimus keyboard
Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment.
Art. Lebedev Studio
- via solidoxxx
miercuri, iulie 13, 2005
"Browster can keep you from wasting time opening and then closing pages that aren't right."
PC Magazine
Palotai, Psyon, Psure, Base-x
Eroii urmatoarelor evenimente SoundKraft Rec sunt made in Hungary, clasici sau din noul val, dupa cum urmeaza:
copiii teribili ai breakbat-ului ungar, cu releasuri in vest, cu colaborari cu DJ Quest si cu piese in playlisturile unor granzi
vin la Iasi, in Imperium, vineri 15 iulie, intr-o coproductie cu Local Intruders
The Cyberpunks
cei doi vor fi secondati de
Sebo si Alien Pimp,
intr-un show cu techno, breaks si drum'n'bass,
a doua zi, sambata, 16 iulie, Psyon si Psure vin la Bucuresti, in Expirat, la
Happy Ninjas
techno vs breaks
in deschidere un nume care urca pe val in techno:
Thornado (Synthplants)
pe 21-22 iulie problema devine grava:
un eveniment prezentat de
SoundKraft, HP Invent si Radio Guerrilla
headliner: un DJ devenit mit nu doar in Ungaria, ci si in Romania si alte locuri
pentru prima oara la Bucuresti
joi, 21 iulie, la Student Club din Bucuresti (Casa de Cultura Studenteasca Preoteasa, et. 2, Plevnei 61 - daca e vreme buna, avem si optiunea terasei Preoteasa)
aici, intr-un clash of the titans, el se va confrunta direct cu omologul sau roman
Alien Pimp e si el in line-up ca sa le tina umil trena :)
a doua zi, vineri, 22 iulie, ESA 3 se muta la Tusnad, la festivalul prilejuit de Balvanyos Summer University, unde Palotai va fi secondat de
BASE-X (Hu) si DJ MOE (Au/Ro)
info despre toti acestia gasiti mai jos:
Psure (Title Fight Rec)
Psure is a 20 year old producer, he belongs to the most promising talents of the Hungarian underground scene. His affinity to music developed at an early age due to listening to his father's jazz and rock records (like the Doors, Weather Report and The Rolling Stones). Later on he found himself enchanted by electronic music, particularly breakbeat/nu skool, and initially began to collect vinyl as well as producing his own tracks thereafter. The fundamentals of his genuine style roots diversively from every genre so as to get materialized in smashing beats, uplifting vibes or even laid back moods. He follows the very same pattern while mixing, presenting as opulently varied mixsets as possible.
In addition, he won Dj Quest's "Gravelmuncha" remix competition and unleashed the Atlantic Blues project featuring a truly gifted vocalist, Sophie, with the spellbounding No Remorse.
Lately, Klaus "Heavyweight" Hill took Blue Light pass it to the Title Fight label just as Esromeron with Sophie's reversed trippy vocal textures. No doubt, it augurs only good for this embarrisingly young artist. His past and present influences are from Orbital, Hybrid, Infusion, PMT, Meat Katie, Dylan Rhymes, Force Mass Motion, Klaus 'Heavyweight' Hill, Elite Force, Dj Hyper, Plump Djs, Uptown Connection, Tipper, Adam Freeland, Blim, Luke Chable, Shiloh...
Forthcoming Releases:
Psure - Blue Light/Esromeron (Title Fight - Australia)
Psure&Psyon - Harmful Dodgers (Nu-Freakz Recordings - Belgium)
Psure&Psyon - The Tough Case (/w Phrenetic remix) (Viral Recordings - USA)
Psure - Hell Street (Viral Recordings - USA)
Psure pres. Atlantic Blues - No Remorse (???)
Beatman&Ludmilla - Inka (Psure remix) (Vinyl Addiction Breaks - UK)
Dj Nitro - Bells (Psure remix) (Groovemaster Recordings - Spain)
Dj Quest - Gravelmuncha (Psure remix) (BBWW - UK)
Recent parties:
Gluglu Festival 2004
Sziget Festival, Cinetrip Stage 2004
Hypnosis: Danny McMillan 2004
Hynposis: Force Mass Motion 2005
Fresh E.R. Presents John B, Phantom Beats @A38
Breakbeat Independent @ Jailhouse
...and local gigs at several places
Psyon (Nu-Freakz Rec)
Psyon - a 23 year old dj/producer from Budapest - started his dj career on the early drum'n'bass waves before he turned deeply into the most dancefloor oriented party breaks and beats. He started his own production as well like he turned his mate, Psure's beats into sickest bassline driver vibes in tw collaborations coming out this summer on Nu-Freakz Recordings, Belgium and Viral Recordings, USA. His style as a dj is the tearing-out, grimey but funky party-feeling vibes mixed with the coolest vocal tunes for the ladies.
His favourite djs and producers are The Breakfastaz, NAPT, Backdraft, Aquasky, Freq Nasty, General Midi, Stereo 8, Psure, Bill Vega & New Decade, Freestylers, Atomic Hooligan, Dj Quest...
Forthcoming Releases:
Psure&Psyon - Harmful Dodgers (Nu-Freakz Recordings - Belgium)
Psure&Psyon - The Tough Case (/w Phrenetic remix) (Viral Recordings - USA)
Recent parties:
Basic Breaks /w Base-X @ Zebraclub, Bacau, Romania (SKR party)
Fresh E.R. Presents John B, Phantom Beats @A38
Chew The Fat! presents Tayo, Paul Arnold @ Club Play
Breakbeat Independent @ Jailhouse
...and local gigs at several places
DJ Palotai – Biography
If you're looking for an all-round DJ who can rock any dance floor, Palotai is the one you should have in mind, whether it is for down tempo, full-on drum & bass or an eclectic mix of breaks, house, electro, hip-hop, dub, 2-step and so on.
Zsolt Palotai is the veteran of the Hungarian dance scene, being quoted as The Driver of the Underground Music Machine. He was the first DJ to introduce house music to the Hungarians, late 80's, after having spent three months in New York. He has been voted DJ of the year in Hungary by both Freee and Wanted magazines and in 2003 the Best Hungarian DJ by Check magazine. Palotai is a founding member of Tilos radio 98 fm in Budapest, radio station which is acknowledged to have played a significant part in the formation of Budapest’s musical taste. Though he is already over 40 he has the fresh ear of a teenager and he always strives to show never heard melodies and rhythms to the public instead of the regular hits and styles. His calm fanatism of crossing the barriers between different styles and always playing the most up-to-date, the most unique and progressive pieces of music has led thousands of people to acknowledge the existence of those producers and musicians working in obscurity.
He has shared stage with each and every big name that has visited Hungary, from Jazzanova to DJ Krust and David Holmes. He has also played at various prime locations over Europe, like "la Batofar" in Paris, where he had a residency till November '99, sharing bill with Breakbeat Era and Howie B, just to name two.
June 2001, Palotai managed to take 10.000 people on the dance area of the Parkpop festival in Den Haag, Netherlands.
He participates at Sziget Festival, Budapest every year and at all important festivals in Hungary and Romania, like VOLT Festival , GLUGLU Festival , Movement Inside Festival in Hungary, TMBase and Peninsula in Romania and he also regularly takes part at other significant events all over the world.
He has residency in several clubs in Budapest like Trafo or Mokka Cukka.
Palotai's trade mark is his excellent taste of music. Nowadays, his eclectic sets include everything from stunning breakbeats to funky house and far from boring down tempo as well as high quality drum 'n' bass.
DJ Base-X este un nume consacrat in underground-ul din Ungaria, dar s-a facut cunoscut si in Romania in ultimele luni evoluand excelent in cadrul mai multor evenimente organizate de SKR dar si de alti organizatori. DJ cu background de muzician (absolvent al Conservatorului budapestan), Base-X se remarca atat prin tehnica, dar si printr-o selectie deosebita a muzicii.
DJ Moe este un DJ originar din Romania, dar stabilit in Austria, tara cunoscuta pentru standardul inalt al evenimentelor si muzicii produse acolo. A mixat in mai multe tari din Europa si e in curs de afirmare si in Romania, putand constitui una din revelatiile manifestarii.
daca nu doriti sa mai primiti news-letter-ul SoundKraft, dati un Reply avand la subject UNSUBSCRIBE!
with best regards,
Silviu Costinescu
SoundKraft Records
Ru & Flore la Cabaret Herastrau
Tonight at Cacarete Herastrau the legendary boys Flores and Roses will jazzinova your night with Latino flavoured spice and lake divino grooves.
So see you later amigos except of course, if it's raining, when you should just stay home!
marți, iulie 12, 2005
Garana Jazz 2005
In luna August: Festival de Jazz aproape de Resita. Garana Jazz este numele unui festival care exista deja de 7 ani. Un festival de jazz intrat in randul marilor festivaluri si care in acest an se va desfasura in perioada 12 - 14 august. Pintre numele promise..: Nicolas Simion Trio, Mike Stern Band, Bohem Ragtime Jazz Band, Horea Crisovan si Cristina Padurariu, Bega Blues Band, Liviu Butoi Quartet cu Mircea Tiberian la pian, Krauser Project si Mindchange cu Tavi Scurtu la tobe si DJ Laizaboy. Mai este de vazut Stanley Jordan, Teodora Enache si Doru Apreotesei.
Citeste mai multe:
Powerball este un giroscop proiectat si executat cu precizie, constand intr-un rotor ce se misca cu rapiditate in interiorul unei sfere solide, care se actioneaza manual.
La exteriorul sferei, in partea superioara, se poate atasa un turometru digital, care inregistreaza cu acuratete numarul miscarilor de revolutie executate de rotor intr-o anumita etapa, numarul miscarilor in timp real, sau cel mai mare scor realizat. Vei putea astfel sa evaluezi progresele zilnice facute pentru fortificarea corpului tau.
In plus, micul turometru creeaza o dependenta teribila si te va face sa te intreci cu prietenii iar, si iar, si iar ….. pana cand aproape ca nu-ti vei mai simti mainile. Nu vei renunta insa, pentru ca de fiecare data vei sti ca ai fi putut mai mult.. si mai mult… si mai mult.
Powerball este un produs care creeaza dependenta... "un cub Rubik in devenire" a comentat Financial Times de curand.
detalii pe
RedBull - Creativity Contest
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