luni, februarie 28, 2005

Retroelectro radio show # 03

la radio Guerrilla - 94,8 FM (Bucuresti) sau online @

Asta seara (luni 28 Februarie) - de la 22.00 la 24.00
Tonight (Monday the 28th of Feb) - 20.00 to 22.00 CET

Electric Brother:

1. Elsa - Open
2. Dzihan & Kamien - Dundadeova
3. United Future Organization – Loud Minority
4. Karuan – Dunya – redirected by Nickodemus
5. Jazzinho – Sim Ou Nao – Eddy & Dus remix
6. Nu Spirit Helsinki – Honest – Jazzanova remix
7. Nutmeg – Bicycle Kick
8. Dkd feat. Lady Alma – Getaway
9. Mokadi meets Dudley Perkins – Human Natures
10. Greg Long – Vitamin c
11. C.O.N. Sequencer – Spanish Fly
12. Gaudi – Babylon Flamenco
13. Oscar Brown Jr – Brother Where Are You - Mathew Herbert remix
14. Café Drechsler – Smile
15. 7 Samurai – Bluesanova

Vlaicu Golcea - Jazz Scapes:

01. Charles Mingus – Moanin’ ( Mingus )
02. Thelonious Monk – Round Midnight – ( Monk / Williams )
03. Miles Davis – Footprints ( Wayne Shorter )
04. Lester Young – Lester Leaps In ( Young )
05. Pharoah Sanders – The Creator Has A Masterplan – part 2 ( Sanders / Thomas )
06. Sun Ra and His Mith Science Arkestra - Overtones of China ( Sun Ra )
07. John Coltrane – Resolution ( Coltrane )
08. Miles Davis – Great Expectations ( Davis / Joe Zawinul )

Aria Urbana - concert in B52

atacul metaforei continua...
Joi, o3.o3.2oo5, in club B52, Bucuresti
str. Popa Tatu nr.4, ora 20:00

Toni - vocals
Dani - bass
dERMON - programming/sampling
DJ Nemo - scratching/turntables

Proiectul are radacini vechi si este initiat in 1999, in Brasov. El a suferit numeroase modificari, si s-a numit pentru un timp Comitetul Central. Sub acest nume a fost realizat videoclipul piesei "Funky", piesa care apare si pe cateva compilatii. Au urmat numeroase concerte in tara (WebClub, Club A,
TmBase, 2 Mai, Cluj, lansare MCM Romania, lansare MTV Romania etc.)

Ulterior, in 2002, componenta s-a modificat, ajungand la formula actuala, odata cu aceasta fiind schimbat si numele proiectului, in Aria Urbana, din dorita de a defini mai clar directia muzicala abordata, diversa de altfel, cuprinzand stiluri ca: drum&bass, breakbeat, trip-hop, dub.
A fost realizat un demo de 4 piese (disponibile si pe Internet, la si se lucreaza la show-ul live si la finalizarea pieselor pentru un prim album (in cazul gasirii unei case de discuri).

De remarcat background-ul muzical interesant al membrilor trupei, ce a dus la o fuziune interesanta: Dani si dERMON au la baza muzica rock, iar Toni si DJ Nemo provin din hip-hop, experienta muzicala acumulata de-a lungul timpului spunandu-si cuvantul in abordarea show-urilor live cat si la compunerea pieselor.

Aparitii live: TMBase 2004, Stufstock 2004, WebClub, Underworld, Stage,diverse show-uri in tara.


Juraj Andrascik has updated his portfolio.

duminică, februarie 27, 2005

D A V I D * L A C H A P E L L E

Helmut is not very impressed by current photography. "There's a lot of pornographic pictures taken by the young today" he said. "There's a magazine, Purple." He frowned. “A lot of nudity is just gratuitous. But someone who makes me laugh is David LaChapelle. I think he’s very bright, very funny and good”
- Helmut Newton, The New York Times



How to (and not to) work with a designer

So how do you work with a designer to get their best work?
Here are some suggestions.

vineri, februarie 25, 2005

Habbo Hotel

Comunitatea din Habbo Hotel e in continua crestere.

FontEditor BitfontMaker

Cu BitfontMaker poti crea fonturi pixel online si apoi le poti salva ca .ttf


Kidrobot - the best in urban vinyl action figures.

SUPER SIZE ME in Club Underworld

28 Februarie, Ora 17
Club Underworld, Piata Kogalniceanu nr. 3 langa
statuie, Bucuresti.

Indymedia prezinta
SUPER SIZE ME (SUA, 2004, 100 minute, subt. lb romana)
Regizorul de filme documentare Morgan Spurlock se supune unui test in documentarul sau despre industria de mancaruri comerciale, mancand in mod riguros fast food McDonald’s, de trei ori pe zi timp de o luna.
Spurlock vrea sa arate efectele fizice si mintale ale consumului de fast food. Concomitent, Spurlock aduce in prim plan si cultul mancarii in Statele Unite ale Americii reflectat in scoli, corporatii si politica, prin prisma omului de rand si a sustinatorilor unei vieti sanatoase.

eendar si organicfields

portofoliu eendar si organicfields

- via Diana Cristea

joi, februarie 24, 2005

Ce parere aveti de noul logo UCLA?

...merita 98.000 de DOLARI?

PS: site-ul a costat doar 30.000 de dolari.

Voodoo Display

Made by Viceversa, designed by Raffaele Iannello.


graphic design and art direction studio.

Save As la Underground Bucuresti cu Vlaicu Golcea

Underground Bucuresti cu Vlaicu Golcea pe 98,3 FM
In fiecare duminica de la ora 20.00
Saptamana asta: Save as
Radio Bucuresti

Party flyers

Flyere de la party-uri de prin '80.

miercuri, februarie 23, 2005


Breakdance cum nu ai mai vazut

6,75MB -> bailandobreakdancing.wmv

Noul logo MIT

The MIT logo distills into one symbol everything the Institute wants to communicate about itself.

Color of the year 2005


- via Diana Cristea


Miercuri 2 martie ora 21:00
E timpul sa evoluezi la party
Dj seb & trigga
dj Sf. Voievozi & Boru
+ proiectii de filme cu snowboard
Castiga 15 DVD-uri Burton - The process 3

3M Security Glass

3M recently completed an amazing poster-stunt in Vancouver, Canada. They prepped a bus shelter ad with a 3M product called Scotchshield, a see-through film that you can apply to glass which makes it near bulletproof, and filled the postersite with lots of play money, and 500 real Canadian dollars for good measure.

- via Gummy


- via Diana Cristea

marți, februarie 22, 2005

Arizona Cardinals - logo nou

Dar totusi nu au ales o varianta mai indrazneata, ci au mers pe un update cuminte. Detalii.

iPod Tattoo

iPod Tattoo de la HP.

Original Macintosh "Mister Macintosh Logo"

The following two pins are from the collection of Daniel Kottke and depict the original "Macintosh Man" (a man in a Macintosh overcoat) or "Mister Macintosh" logo used briefly by the Macintosh Division at Apple in 1983.

- via dERMON

luni, februarie 21, 2005

Suie Paparude si Junkyard - concert in Stuf Vama Veche

Seria concertelor 100% live continua in fiecare joi in Stuf Vama Veche. Radio 21 va invita joia aceasta, 24 feb, ora 21:00, la un eveimnent de... colectie: Suie Paparude si Junkyard ies din studio si intra in club, pentru 1 ora si jumatate de muzica adevarata.
Adresa: Strada Berzei 25A.

La Bienala de la Venetia, Romania va prezenta un pavilion gol

Daniel Knorr, autorul proiectului "European Influenza".

Bombardier EMBRIO one-wheeler Concept


Ce e ala ART DIRECTOR si cat castiga?

Art director, copywriter, web designer si alte definitii plus cam cat castiga fiecare gasiti la AIGA|Aquent Survey of Design Salaries


amplifier helps creative people sell their stuff.

duminică, februarie 20, 2005


Niark.1 - free lance graphic designer - Paris - France

Sacha Waldman


sâmbătă, februarie 19, 2005

Freaky Facets

Freaky Facets

characters at war

100+ violated copyrights and the very best in contemporary character design and art.
Characters at war. Aruncati o privire si la poster.


i love dust. what do you love?

ilovedust is a design agency based in the British seaside town of Southsea. We specialize in creating lovely graphic design solutions for print and web and grapple anything else we can get our hands on!


Invicid is the studio of Mark Kirkpatrick, created in 2001 as an alternative to mainstream design. A manifested goal that art should nurture the soul rather than strip it of it's identity. Invicid art has been featured in numerous books and magazines; as well as on skateboards, clothing, music, packaging, and accessories.

Our Favorite Fonts of 2004 || Typographica


vineri, februarie 18, 2005


Water-proof and shock-proof case designed to protect the iPod from the elements.

Ray Caesar

"Just a boy who has lived the life of a dog in more ways than one." - Ray Caesar

Grind Studio

grind serves update.

Designers Toolbox



If you have the money to buy an esuvee, you'd better know how to ride one properly. Lots of advices on how not to get rolled over when you drive.

- via Diana Cristea

The Man Behind the FedEx Logo

Un interviu cu Lindon Leader, creatorul logo-ului FedEx.

- via dERMON

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